Poglejte komu se je danes nasmehnila sreča.
Na strani http://foxyenglishcrafter.blogspot.com/ sem pravkar videla, da sem zmagala njen bonbonček!!! Jupiiiiiii!!!!!!!
Vas zanima kaj to je?
Komaj čakam, da dobim to čudovito revijo v roke!!!!
Hvala Julie!!!!!!
I've enjoyed seeing all the blog candy that you're tracking here. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and entering my blog candy. I hope you will return often... big hugs for you...Rose
Thank you tina, for posting your win on your blog. You seem to be the only person that did that.I am very pleased that you was pleased to win! Don't forget to visit soon (next month)to be entered into another candy offer. Happy crafting Julie
I've enjoyed seeing all the blog candy that you're tracking here. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and entering my blog candy.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI hope you will return often...
big hugs for you...Rose
Thank you tina, for posting your win on your blog. You seem to be the only person that did that.I am very pleased that you was pleased to win! Don't forget to visit soon (next month)to be entered into another candy offer. Happy crafting