torek, 3. januar 2012

Wild Tilda

Here she is .. Wild Tilda.. One of my favourites from the last Magnolia Collection - Sweet Crazy Love..
I have to admit that I had a hard time working on this one..
There are so many details on this image.. I didn't realize that until I started colouring..

I made this card for CRAFT-alnica  - Izziv #46 - Kraljestvo Živali..
The theme of this challenge is animal kingdom..

I already started working on something a little bit different.. If you're interested just stay tuned..

Hugs, Tina

10 komentarjev:

  1. Tole je pa tako srčkano! Lepo si pobarvala štampiljko. LP

  2. Lepo, kot vedno! ... a mi lahko prosim napišeš, kateri papir uporabljaš za odtise svojih štampiljk in barvanje s Copic makerji... HVALA!

  3. Hi Tina,this is adorable!!! Thanks for joining my candy and I hope that 2012 brings you and your family health and happiness!!
    Hugs xx

  4. V tej tigrasti oblekici je Tildka prav ljubka. Ti kar verjamem, da si se namučila pri njenem barvanju. Lp

  5. Luštna, priznam, da takšne Tilda še nisem srečala :).

  6. Jaaa, tale Tilda je pa res en cukerček!! ♡ Čudovito voščilnico si ustvarila!

    Hvala, ker sodeluješ na 46. izzivu CRAFT-alnice ! :)

    Lepo se imej,
    ✿ Manuela ✿
