**** This candy is now closed.. ****
I know you've been waiting impatiently for this post..
I know you've been waiting impatiently for this post..
First I wanna thank all the wonderful ladies who decided to send me a card..
They are all so gorgeous!! I can't thank you enough..
Now let's see who's the lucky winner of this candy..
Za ovinkom17. april 2013 09:30
- Po delitvi na FB naj podaljšam vrsto tudi na blogu. Bonbonček je mamljiv še toliko bolj, ker do sedaj nimam še nobene Tilda štampiljke. Mogoče pa se iz te prikupno ponujene priložnosti še kaj porodi. Hvala za priložnost.
That's you Jasmina!!!!!!
You have 7 days to contact me or I'll redraw the winner..
Now for all of you who are a little bit disappointed I have some wonderful news..
I have another candy up for grabs but this time it's a little bit tricky.. :)
You have to share this giveaway on your blog and leave me a comment.. If you don't have a blog you can spread the word on Facebook.. But the most important thing is ..
Only those of you who send me a handmade card with a Magnolia (Tilda) image on it get a chance at this..
I'm soooooo mean.. I know..
If you're in just send me an e-mail (tinchyustvarja@gmail.com) and I'll give you my address..
The only thing I'm showing you for now is this stamp..
But this is just one of the things I'm giving away!!!
So start spreading the word..
You won't regret it!!
And don't forget to leave a comment here..
And don't forget to leave a comment here..
The candy will run until August 20th 2013..
I will randomly choose the winner on August 31th so all the cards that you send me get in my mail before the draw..
Be sure to post the card in time because it can take up to a month and a half for the card to be delivered..
Take care!!
Tina xx
Vau Tina!!! To je bilo pa čisto nepričakovano. Ravno danes sem urejala moj sidebar in umaknila tvoj bombonček, ker je bil zadnji dan. Takrat sem tudi pomislila na to, da je zadnji dan, ko naj bi objavila zmagovalca (vem da je trajalo do 15.6.) a tudi pod razno se mi ni sanjalo, da bom to jaz. ju-hej!
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo sem vesela!!!! Kot sem napisala 17. aprila je bombonček toliko bolj zanimiv, ker še nimam nobene Tilda štampiljke. Očitno bo to moj začetek. Upam le, da mi jo bo uspelo lepo pobarvati. Sicer imam pa prvi navdih že pri tebi. Zelo lepe izdelke delaš in prav rada se vračam na tvoj blog.
Thank you for letting me know what you do with the cards
OdgovoriIzbrišiI have now shared your candy on facebook and will try and find time to make a card so will be emailing you for your address.
What happens to the cards sent to Tina?
IzbrišiDon't worry Gail..
IzbrišiWe could say that I collect them.. I have them all over my place..
I love holding them in my hands and reading the messages inside and I get so much inspiration from you all..
That's all.. ;)
Čestitke nagrajenki prejšnjega bonbončka,
OdgovoriIzbrišiza tega pa se potegujem tudi jaz,
voščilnica je prispela na cilj in na mojem blogu je objava (tega čudovitega bonbončka).
Srečno vsem in lep pozdravček Tamara
Hi Tina!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAt fist, thanks so much for the chance to win yor candy!
My card for you is ready and I will ship it today. I hope it will delivery in time to you! ♥
Big Hugs!
Tudi jaz bi se potegovala za ta bonbonček, povezava do tega bonbončka je na mojem fb profilu in tudi kartica je že pripravljena na pot.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLep pozdrav,